Tag Archives: important

Make Me King!

One of my favorite sayings around political elections is definitely “We’d all vote for the best candidate, if only he was running.”

Back when I worked in radio daily, I had an unbearable supervisor. Having won award after award, he let it go to his head. His way or the highway. Reeking of self-importance, he drove everyone in the office insane. Either you fell in line with what he thought was best or he belittled you until you didn’t care to fight anymore. He was the only hard working person in the office, and if you didn’t believe it, he’d tell you.

When our ratings came back and we had our best quarter ever, he was so proud of all the work he had done. Patting himself on the back, he looked down on everyone else. So, when he was destroyed in a staff meeting shortly thereafter, he couldn’t understand why we didn’t appreciate his work and shortly left the station for another job.

When our ratings came back the next quarter, without him, we still checked in our best set of ratings yet.

I have a photographer friend who is determined to be the most well known photographer on the face of the globe. He is underselling workshops and speaking at as many conventions as he can. He is getting his name out there with abundance. He’s been turning down actual photography work to speak about his photography.

The problem is, his photography is mediocre at best. Where he shines is the experience his studio offers. While he is fighting to show how great he is and how much he can help others, he’s killing his own studio. By no longer walking the walk, he’s become an annoying bastard that must likes to talk about how great he can make your studio. His priorities are shot, and if he’s not careful, it will kill his business.

Instead of being the best, he’s trying to show he’s the best.

These people are too concerned with being king. One day, they’ll realize being king isn’t what’s important. It’s about making a kingdom worth being king of, not making yourself king.

Today, are you too busy trying to be king or too busy building a kingdom?