The Cabin at Night

There are few places I like more than this cabin. I’ve been coming here with family and friends since I was 11. Ten years later, it’s still one of the few places that I can still relax. Here’s the cabin at night, and the surrounding areas. More from this week-end later.

A Drive



It’s been almost six week since I have posted anything. Usually I get quiet when I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do. I fell into myself and am just now getting around to getting out of that. But don’t worry. I’m not getting out slowly.

I’m exploding.

Exploding with excitement and opportunity, love and tingly feelings. It took a five hour drive to Seattle with the windows down, a $200 flight from Seattle to DC, a book, a bag of skittles, a bad glass of white wine, getting retained by TSA, a pretty girl, and some dance club music for me to get to this point. I’ll explain every single one of those in depth in the coming weeks.

From Seattle to the edge of Nebraska, my brain has been playing ping pong with what’s next. Finally, I pulled out my trusty Gowalla Field Notes book and just started writing. 10 pages later, I have nothing left except passion, excitement and determination to make those ten pages a reality in 2010.

Enough rambling. I need to walk around this flight. The guy next to me has terrible body odor and is reading New Moon. Enough said.


Sorting through old images and when I looked through Kayla‘s session again, turns out there were more photos I liked. It’s amazing what new eyes and new editing will do for some images. Now I have to look through all of my images all over again and find other ones I like. Good day. I’m posting the last two after I write, because they aren’t portrait photos, just photos I like. I don’t know why.

To Austin

I’m flying to Austin, Texas right now to take a class at the Wizard Academy, take some photos and plan out 2010. The flight from Salt Lake City to Austin is 2 hours and 20 minutes. I’m bored.

So I decided to make a photoblog. I took all the images with my iPhone’s camera, edited them with Chase Jarvis’ Best Camera app, and compiled it and wrote this to you with Squarespace’s new iPhone app.

Are these my best images? Of course not. But I’m still excited none-the-less. Look at where we have come from and imagine where we are going! Today, I can take and edit photos and post them to my website from my phone, while flying at 30,000 ft. Technology is moving so fast and we’re just hanging on. Creativity is starting younger and younger, the use of technology is going hand in hand with it.

Imagine what you’ll be able to do when you’re flying somewhere to plan out 2011. I’m ready for it. I’m excited for it. Hang on tight.