Category Archives: Trip

Heading Home

I drove from Lincoln, Nebraska to Caldwell, Idaho during a day. I was planning on taking a whole week-end in Colorado, but my meetings got rescheduled and I didn’t feel like visiting awkward friends. Left Lincoln around 2pm and got to Idaho around 8am. These shots are from Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho.

I would like to point out the bottom two photos. I bracket my long exposures so I can get longer star trails without the added noise. On the second photo, a train came in and ruined the consistent lighting. Well, I didn’t know that until later. I really just stopped taking the photos because it was 3AM, cold, and too loud to talk on the phone while I waited for a twenty minute picture to finish.


Snapped this shot while driving to Nebraska to meet my secret love interest in Nebraska. Didn’t take any pictures that week-end. I was a little busy.

Dundee, IL

Walked around downtown Dundee, IL Labor Day week-end. Rick and I took photos, his kids complained about us taking photos, I threw ice and water on them. Well, just the daughter.


Suburbia II

I kind of like Suburbia, said the white-middle-class-20-something.


Labor Day

I spent Labor Day week-end with my good friend Amelio (also known as soon-to-be-famous novelist & writer Rick Copper). He took me to a ChiSox-RedSox game, $1 hotdog day. Yes, I still think mustard is gross. Ketchup and mayonnaise is the only way to go.