Category Archives: Portraits


Sorting through old images and when I looked through Kayla‘s session again, turns out there were more photos I liked. It’s amazing what new eyes and new editing will do for some images. Now I have to look through all of my images all over again and find other ones I like. Good day. I’m posting the last two after I write, because they aren’t portrait photos, just photos I like. I don’t know why.


The first and maybe last Saturday of Fall.


I am way behind on editing. These two photos are straight from camera. I’m hoping to catch up on editing in the next two weeks or so. This is my lovely intern Kevin and my rockin’ boss Sean.


Sometimes, I’ll be sitting with my friends, and I’ll just ask them yes or no. I’ve been known to decide insanely small things this way as well as monstrously huge things this way. This time, we decided that I should turn down three job offers I received this week, something about a girl, that I should take a part time job offer, and that we should do a little photo shooting in the room. Meet Mr. Riddle, Mr. Wooley and Mr. Biesenthal. Yes, they are available for modeling.

And yes, I’m available for booking sessions.

Mr. Riddle

Meet Mr. Riddle. He’s a part time Agee. But here, he’s all Riddle. He’s also a member of 210 Northbound. What a stallion. Also my roommate.