Rule #1: Don’t Suck

It seems like it’s a pretty simply idea to not suck. To not be terrible. But, sometimes, it’s just to simple.

Yesterday, I plowed through a post about Customer Service on Twitter. It was going to be a masterpiece that propelled me to writing fame. Masterpieces aren’t easy to write.

I wrote for 2 and a half hours. What came out was 1,800 words of discombobluated thoughts and half-assed points. I went on and on, ignoring my first rule. I sucked.

What did me in was my lack of simplicity. My Keep-It-Simple-Stupid attitude seemingly got replaced with rambling. What did I learn from this?

A few things. Don’t use 9 words when 7 will do. Don’t overcomplicate things. Over edit. If you think you have dumbed it down and simplified it too much, it’s perfect. Brevity over bravado.

And most importantly, don’t suck.

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