Black & White Fog pt.2

Alright, now that I’ve proved I’m horribly vain, let me explain.  Two things made me take self portraits in the fog.  Well, let’s be honest, three.  One: Photographers should always have kickin’ pictures of themselves.  It’s just how life is.  And the two other reasons were from Ben Blood and Roy Williams.  When I interviewed Ben for a class project, one of the tips he gave me was to have hands and face in the picture because they capture the emotion.  Well, who else was I gunna use at 3AM?  And one of the things I remember from Roy was him saying that a picture with a human in it will always be more interesting than one that doesn’t have it.  So… I’m vain, but with a purpose!

In other news, I’m hoping to have the rest of the website up by the end of February.  Also, this is the last time you’ll be seeing the current logo/watermark.  So… love it while you can.

2 responses to “Black & White Fog pt.2

  1. I really enjoy the last image and the fourth image up from the bottom. Both of those are just beautiful black and whites. I’ve never been fond of fully OOF images but I think this last one is an exception. Great job on these. Can’t wait to see the new Logo/watermark. Feel free to send my way if you need someone to take a look at the design.

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